It has been 20 days now since I have last posted anything on here and I can hardly believe it. Surely 20 days should feel longer than this.
We are well into summer and the days are longer which would make you believe you could get more done. Au contraire, it is more like my mother in-laws garage.
You work to empty it, and it is filled just as quickly with more stuff than you had before. My days are busier than before and summer is going to be gone before I know it.
I feel like my son C.C. felt the other day. We got up and made pancakes, rode bikes, played with friends, went swimming, roasted smores in the back yard (burning every kid in the process including the neighbors), and then finished the day off with some left over fireworks. When I was tucking C.C. into bed that night I mentioned that tomorrow we'll have another great day. He responded that we didn't even do anything fun today. He either has very short memory or his standard of fun is really high. Summer is going to be done and gone and I will be thinking we didn't even do anything fun.
I remember as a kid, summer was always the greatest thing aside from Christmas morning. That first day of summer with no school was magic as I would think of all the wonderful things I was going to do that summer. The days back then seemed to drag on forever at times and there wasn't a worry in the world. Summer meant waking up extra early and going roller skating before the sun and parents got up. Playing down in the river or out in the sand hills and bringing home what ever creatures we could catch. I loved sleeping out on tramp under the stars and dreaded the projects my parents would come up with for us. My dad was usually working a side job painting a house or fence and occasionally we were asked to help. I remember painting a fence with my dad and Annie my little black dog ran under it putting a white stripe from the tip of its nose to the end of its tail.
Summer was a time of freedom and fun as a kid. Today its a little different as I am working several jobs and going to school, but I still find time some nights while sitting outside under the stars to remember those summers from my youth. It makes me wonder what my kids will remember from their's when they are grown and grumpy like me. Hopefully I can meet my sons expectations and we can have at least one fun day this summer.